Friday, July 11, 2008

Elise 5 month old update

Today Elise is 5 months and 9 nine days old. Our recent at-home estimates of her height and weight are 25.5 inches long and about 18 pounds. She sees the doctor again next month, so we'll get official measurements then.

She's almost sitting up by herself. She still tends to fold in half (leaning too far forward) sometimes, but she's getting better at correcting herself and straightening up. She also still tends to tip over sometimes, but again is getting better at catching and supporting herself with her arm when she starts to fall to the side.

(You can see her teeth in this next picture)

Right after my last post about her not chewing on her toes, she started doing it. Apparently her left "thumb" toe (lol, Lauren!) is her favorite one to suck on. (A case of "be careful what you wish for"?)
She's becoming quite a good eater these days, too. Since my last post, she's started eating peas and carrots. She absolutely LOVES peas - more than the bananas, believe it or not! - and seems to really like carrots too. Here's a video Eric put together of her eating peas and bananas...

Here's another video of her trying to hold her bottle by herself...

We've recently introduced her to using a sippy cup, too. If you look close in this picture, you can see her teeth.

She's also graduated from the newborn/infant side of her bathtub to the straight-backed toddler side. Actually 'graduated' is probably not the most accurate description. See, she doesn't like to lay back in the tub on the slanted newborn/infant side anymore - she prefers to sit up straight and play in the water. S0 we've been putting her on the toddler side, and she sits up nice and straight and attempts to play with some floating toys she has. The problem is that she hasn't quite figured out to retrieve objects from a fluid surface. Therefore, as she attempts to grab the toys as they are floating in front of her, she tends to dunk them, fold herself in half, and dunk her head, face first, into the water along with the toys. (You've got to picture this: Her head, not just 'into the water.' I'm talking whole head, face first, completely under water.) Not that it really seems to bother her too much, though. The first time, it definitely surprised her - not to mention, scared the heck out of me! As I got her up and out of the tub, waiting for her to react, she just looked up at me and grinned. We're definitely going to have to keep a close eye on her anytime we're around any kind of body of water - she loves it!

Here's her thoughtful face...

I thought this next picture was cute because it looks like she's winking at Jake...

And, lastly here's the kids taking a little siesta...

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