Thursday, March 13, 2008

Happy squealing

There are some really happy and excited sounds coming out of our little girl. She's learning that she can do things with her voice besides grunt. We think she enjoys hearing herself. Check out this short video of Elise getting excited as she watches rainforest-creatures swinging overhead from her mobile.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

To sleep, or not to sleep?

Sleep is good, certainly. So perhaps the questions are deeper.

We've been collecting data on Elise since she was born in the hospital, which should be no surprise, given our careers as behavioral scientists. Only this past week have we been collecting and analyzing data on Elise's sleep and wakeful states, though. The whole topic of baby sleep is very debated: how it should be done, where and with/without whom, how much is enough, relationship to feeding schedules, etc. For anyone who would like to explore some of the intricacies of relationships between culturally-specific values, social/ecological contexts, and our evolutionary history of adaptation, I highly recommend the following read:

There is so much contradictory evidence, and a lot of capitalizing on parent hysteria by people marketing their products, book, programs. And I won't shy away from pointing out that there are some really cruel, and theoretically unsubstantiated, proscriptions for parenting, such as the following which we DO NOT endorse (Douglas J., 1989. Behaviour Problems in Young Children. London: Tavistock/Routledge): "...The parents have to be firm and committed to returning the child to bed..parents have to learn to ignore crying until the child falls asleep. Sometimes children can cry for a couple of hours..Children may vomit with crying and so parents need to be prepared to go in to clean up the child and change the bedclothes quickly and, with the minimum of fuss, put the child back to bed, and walk out."

Anyway, enough discourse on the topic! What matters is that Elise has been doing great and her parents have been generally pleased with our abilities to sleep. Below are some interesting graphs to study, based on Elise's recent data.


This first one shows the probability of Elise being asleep given the hour of the day.

These next graphs show data points representing spans of time awake/asleep, of various lengths, at various times of day. Though a little more difficult to interpret at first glance, these figures are important for showing evidence of repeated patterns of sleep and awake throughout the week.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Celebrating babies

Last night we had a group of friends over to meet Elise. Elise just turned 1 month old! And this was her first party. As she's been getting a little more settled into her routines, we've noticed her fussy time of the day has characteristically been early evening (when our guests were over), so we were concerned that maybe she'd have a hard time with all the party stimulus and excitement. Not at all! Elise loved the attention and activity and stayed content. We were really happy to be able to share some of our pride and joy with our friends.

Our friends Jeff and Jayne brought their baby boy Kurt. Kurt is exactly a month older than Elise. The last time I saw Kurt was the day he was born, at the same hospital that Elise made her arrival at. It so cool to see the quick development that infants speed through, and how much change there is month-to-month. It was so neat to see them side by side, 2 month-old, 1-month old; boy-girl....

It was too cute! Couldn't help but think of how neat it will be down to the line to see these two meet up at the age when they can actually hold the concept that the other one is there- and interact socially. It was also really neat to see other people we've known for a while, now in the same parent-newborn roles and reality. Cheers to all our great friends, and cheers to these moms and their beautiful babies!