Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jake's 8th grade graduation and introducing Leo

Jake graduated from 8th grade on June 12th. Sorry it took me so long to post pictures, but with traveling to Boston then Eric's recent trip to New Mexico, I just now finally got a chance to download the pictures.

Here he is in line before the processional...

And, here he is afterwards with his diploma...

With the PetCo gift cards he received as graduation presents - thanks to Jorg and Martha, Nana, Poppy, Lauren, and Lee!- he was able to get a terrarium set up for a long awaited lizard (he's been talking about wanting to get a lizard for over a year now). He chose to get a baby leopard gecko - appropriately named Leo. Here is Leo in his new home.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The flopster rolling around

Here she is in one of her favorite pastimes of late...


Two teeth at once!

New news on the tooth appears Elise is cutting both her bottom teeth at the same time. The second one poked through the gum yesterday! They're not out far enough to get a good picture, but as soon as I can get one I'll post it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A momentous day...

Just a quick post to tell you about our momentous day...

First, Jake received a letter from the high school - yes, he's starting high school next year!! Apparently he did exceptionally well on the Spanish placement test for high school and the Spanish high school teachers recommend that he go into the Honors Spanish II class! He also made it into Honors English. Way to go, Jake!

Second, Elise's first tooth finally broke through the gum this afternoon! Its almost a little sad that her big goofy gummy grin will be gone, but its also very cute to see the tip of her little tooth poking out. I'll post pictures soon!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Solids, toes, and rolling down grass hills

So far, Elise has had rice cereal and bananas. While I could tell you all about her reactions, I thought you'd all like to see for yourselves.

And, the verdict is....



Not just bad...but absolutely, horrendously bad!

Cereal and bananas mixed together....okay.

As you can see, she was very happy to not have just the plain cereal anymore. Bananas made it much better!

In other Elise-related news, she has definitely found her feet and mastered rolling from her back to her tummy. Although she hasn't really tried to chew on her feet like some (most?) babies do, she grabs her toes and plays with her feet a lot. If we were ranking her favorite things to do, playing with her feet would be one of her top three favorite activities.

Perhaps another of her fast becoming favorite activities would be rolling around. Hopefully this isn't just me, but...remember when you were a kid and rolling down a grass hill was a great source of enjoyment? At least until you realized you probably got chiggers because your legs, arms, and waistband started itching like crazy and it seemed like the most brutal test of your self-discipline and self-control that you would probably ever face to NOT scratch. Of course, that didn't stop you from rolling down the next big grassy hill when the opportunity presented itself - because it really was just THAT much fun. Anyway, back to the baby....

Remember rolling down grass hills - lengthwise, faster and faster, building up momentum as you went? Well, picture Elise rolling like that - except not outside and not downhill - rather, across the living room floor. It was the funniest sight! She rolled like that -back to tummy to back to tummy, etc. - building up some momentum as she went (granted she didn't get going too fast, definitely not the kind of momentum you get from going downhill, but she did pick up a little speed as she rolled) from the fireplace to the fish tank where I stopped her before she bumped into the tank. I carried her back over to her blanket in front of the fireplace where we were playing, and she proceeded to do it again - just rolled across the room - not as fast as the first time. I imagine it took a lot of energy as she seemed to be pretty worn out after she made it to the tank the second time, but she did roll all the way across the room. We've got to get it on video!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Not so sure about this cereal business...

Well, we tried this whole rice cereal thing this past week. The first night it seemed really promising. Elise seemed to enjoy it. I mixed it super thin, and she sucked it right up out of the baby spoon. It was cute! That was the first night. The second night she didn't want anything to do with it. I tried to give her some and she spit it back out at me. The third night was a little better. She wasn't as enthusiastic about it as she was the first night, but she definitely wasn't totally against the idea as she was the second night -- a happy medium. The fourth night again not too crazy about it, but not totally against it either. Then came tonight - the fifth night I've given (or tried to give) her cereal. It seemed like she was starting out excited about getting cereal - she opened her mouth really wide, made her uh-uh feeding noises, but no. She apparently did not really want to eat the cereal. As soon as I put it in her mouth, she blew raspberries which effectively sprayed my face with her thinned out cereal. She was waving her arms around like she was excited, though, and kept making her uh-uh feeding noises, so I thought, "well, maybe she was just too excited about it and spit it out on accident." So I gave her another bite, and given that she once again sprayed me with it, I think I was poorly mistaken about her enthusiasm to eat the cereal. So, needless to say, that was the end of the cereal for the night. Maybe we'll wait a few days, then try again.

Meanwhile, she's been a busy, active baby - playing and bouncing around. See for yourself...

I'm posting the following blurry action picture just to give you an idea of how much she really does move and bounce in her jumper.

Anyway, all that playing and bouncing around is enough to really wear a baby out!

And it makes for a nice mellow baby after bathtime following a long day of fun.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Elise is 4 months old! (aka long time, no post)

Elise had a doctor's appointment this morning for her 4 month old check-up and round of shots. She's doing great. She's now 15 lbs 10 oz and 24.5 inches long.

Keeping her on her tummy for "tummy-time" these days is a bit difficult as most times she tends to just roll right over from her tummy to her back as soon as you lay her down. So she definitely has tummy-to-back rolling down. She has rolled from her back to her tummy a few times, but still tends to get hung up on her arm most of the time. I imagine its only a matter of time, though, before she masters that as well.

She's definitely more interactive and social these days - grunting/growling, cooing, smiling, and laughing. Elise and I volunteered at the book fair at the local elementary school yesterday and she had a great time. She talked to and smiled at everyone who came through. One little boy stopped and talked to her for a minute and she must have thought he was pretty funny because she just giggled as he talked to her.

Her laugh is the best - she has a few different ones: a cooing-like giggle, a grunt-like laugh, and one that sounds kind of like a cackle when she gets real excited. She's recently started humming and singing, too. She coos along with me as I sing "Rock-a-bye baby." I sing other songs to her all the time too, but strangely enough that's the only song she sings along with me. Last week, though, Eric was tuning his guitar and she started harmonizing with him as he tuned it.

Her Baby Einstein jumper is fast becoming her favorite toy - she's mastered turning the piano on and earlier this morning was giggling in delight as she hit it and it started playing with lights flashing.

Some of her other favorite things to do are:
- hit the ball on her Ocean's Wonder activity gym. She's learned how to pull it off, so that's a new fun game - she pulls it off, I put it back on, etc.
- check out her Peek-a-zoo book feeling all the different textures.
- watch the fish and turtle swim around. She was getting a big kick out of the eel swimming and thrashing around the tank last night - the eel got her growl-like laugh.
- and, last but not least, chewing on anything she can get in her mouth including her hands, other people's hands or sometimes our shoulders as we hold her, rattles/teethers, her Taggies doll, floppy bear, etc., etc.

Perhaps her most favorite thing, though, is still taking a bath. She absolutely loves it! She even giggles as we wash her hair and face. Lately we've had to cut bathtime short, though, because she tries to go underwater. We have a double-ended infant/toddler tub -- one end has a slanted back for younger infants to lean back on, the other end has a straight back for older babies and toddlers to sit straight up, and there is a ridge in the center to help keep the babies from sliding down. Well, she's figured out that if she arches her back and throws her legs up she can plop right over that ridge and slide down into the water. While this causes me great concern as I try to catch her before she goes totally underwater, it is a great source of pleasure for her. She's definitely a water baby - I can't wait until we can take her swimming.

Today has been a little hard on her since she got her shots. She was pretty upset - she didn't cry for too long, but growled and blew raspberries at the doctor when it was over and I was holding her. I have to admit her shots were hard on me too. Poor little thing just looked up at me, screaming, as if saying, "how could you let him do this to me?!" - just about broke my heart! As I said, though, she recovered pretty quickly and was fine as soon as we left the doctor's office.

We're still pretty much sleepless in Buellton. When she first goes down for the night, she sleeps in between 3-4 hours, which is great -- but then she's up pretty much every hour on the hour after that. I swear you could almost set your alarm to it! She eats for 10-15 minutes, then goes back to sleep for about 45 minutes and is up eating again. You know, sleep deprivation is a weird thing -- after a while, you start getting used to only getting 1-2 hours of sleep at a time and being a walking zombie by 3 p.m. every day is just the norm. That seems to be about the time my brain shuts down these days - after that point, I have a hard time concentrating and staying focused because I'm just exhausted. Anyway, the doctor suggested we start giving her rice cereal at night now that she's 4 months old and almost 16 pounds, so I'm going to try that in the next couple days. She seems to be interested in watching us eat, so she may take to eating cereal from a spoon okay. I'll keep you all posted on how that goes.