Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Elise's 7 month old update

Elise turned 7 months old this month. Some of her favorite things to do include:

playing peek-a-boo...

blowing raspberries at Jake...

and swinging in the park...

Also, this past month she's started saying "da-da-dad-da-da-daddy" and "ma-ma-mom." In addition, she waves at people and says "hi."

Another new recent event in her life has been her belly crawl. She hasn't yet figured out how to crawl on all fours, but she's getting close. A few weeks ago, she started scooting along - pushing her self forward with her legs with her head on the floor. And now in the past week, she's started doing more of a military, belly crawl. She's using her arms to help pull her along and has her head up off the ground. Its amazing how fast she can get across the room, though, when she wants to.

Oh, and did I mention that she likes to play peek-a-boo?

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