Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A day of doctor visits...

Today both kids had doctor visits at their new pediatricians' office. Elise had her 6 month old checkup this morning and Jake had his 13/14 year old well-child visit this afternoon. And, its official...we have two big, healthy kids. Elise is 18 pounds 13 ounces and 26 inches long. Jake is 5 feet 9.5 inches tall and weighs 117 pounds.

Elise had another round of shots, and she did really well. She cried for just a minute, then that was that. She was definitely apprehensive, though - even before the shots. Neither the doctor nor nurse could elicit a smile from her, which is strange because she's usually all smiles for anyone who gives her attention. At one point, the doc even turned to me and in a very concerned tone of voice asked, "She does smile, right?"

Yes, she does smile...of course, her smiles range from the more sweet, playful smiles...

to more goofy smiles...

to her full out squinty-eyed, silly smiles...

and her excited, fun swinging smiles...

but, the answer is yes...she definitely does smile!

Anyway, back to the doctor visits...

Jake was also apprehensive when it was his turn - stating he dislikes going to the doctor - but was very pleased with his new pediatrician. After all was said and done, Jake remarked that "it wasn't so bad after all."

Elise, however, since her visit was this morning, was even more apprehensive when we walked back into the office this afternoon for Jake's appointment - casting shadowy, cautious looks at the nurse who greeted us. She kept a very watchful eye on Jake and the doctor. Once she realized Jake wasn't screaming out in pain and didn't seem to be too distressed, she lightened up a little bit and even gave Jake a small smile of encouragement. Her smile immediately turned back into a suspicious look of concern, though, when the doc made eye contact with her. But, can you blame her? After all, it was the same place where earlier that day she was stuck in her chubby little thigh with those horribly sharp needles! I think she was genuinely concerned about what was going to happen to Jake. Needless to say, she was all smiles and giggles when we left there.

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